Long Term Psychiatric and Medical Management offers a number of modern and innovative care solutions, including remote presence technology allowing highly qualified doctors to perform real-time consults with patients in facilities that otherwise would be too distant or costly for providers to access. This FDA-approved, state-of-the-art technology is supported by a secure, industry-leading, cloud-based network infrastructure.
Patients and providers can see and hear each other; communicate openly but privately across a secure, HIPAA-compliant web link; and keep crucial appointments that might otherwise be missed due to distance and scheduling difficulties. This system makes our practitioners available to treat more patients across a wider time frame, as frequently as needed.
Tele medicine increases our standard of care by enlarging the window of physician availability and making counseling accessible, even from remote and rural facilities. It also eliminates transportation costs and allows us to care for residents on an emergent basis, which can increase treatment effectiveness and minimize the need for hospitalization.
LTPMM’s use of the telehealth system has provided our clients with substantial reductions in transportation costs, while increasing the availability, quality and continuity of care. We estimate that each clinical encounter provided through this service saves our correctional clients more than $700 per patient in transportation, security and meal costs.
By bringing medical and psychological services to the patient rather than transporting the patient to an offsite specialist, the telehealth program truly increases access to care and greatly reduces safety risks. The patient remains in an environment that’s comfortable for him or her, and receives key medical and counseling services without the disruption of being transported to an unfamiliar location. Patient stress levels go down, while the effectiveness of care and treatment rises.